Some Old Ones But Good Ones

One of the challenges of being a writer with a long list of articles on the Internet is that some of your good content gets scattered across different sites as technology changes and platforms tend to go out of favor.

While some of the content that we create is best left in its almost lost condition, some of it is worth saving. Then there is some that you save for strange reasons. You will notice that in the first article I saved from the electronic dustballs of the Internet. Some articles are here just because I was experimenting with moving them because they were short.

As this is a first effort to bring home some of those posts with touches of enduring value, I am not sure what the end result will be. I do know that doing this is not a simple or quick process. Before an article is moved, content has to be updated, images rescued or re-discovered and links fixed. Only once all that is done can an article can be posted in its new modern home. For that reason this page will get updated as I have time and make some progress on the task.

You will also notice that I am experimenting with formats, and I think I have everything nailed down. I will likely convert my few early experiments which were done with Google Docs. I have done that to the very first one I moved to see if I really like the new format and I think it works well.

I am going to try to keep the articles organized in a format will make this page a good introduction to the Crystal Coast.

If you have a comment on an article, feel free to drop me a note by using the comment page on my Crystal Coast Life site.

If you would like to read more about the Crystal Coast and why we are living here, you will find some helpful posts at this link.

More information about life here can be found at my Crystal Coast Life blog.

This is the signup link for our monthly newsletter about the Crystal Coast.

List of Articles migrated the week April 5, 2014

The Zig and Zag of the White Oak (Rewritten April 9, 2014)

List of Articles migrated the week March 29, 2014

Sand Keeps Moving (Rewritten March 29, 2014)

List of Articles migrated the week March 1, 2014

The First Kayak Trip of Spring (Rewritten March 3, 2014)

Frosty March 29 (Rewritten March 1, 2014)

List of Articles migrated the week February 24, 2014

Our Coastal Produce Season Starts With Strawberries (Rewritten February 26, 2014)

List of Articles migrated the week February 8, 2014

What Is Special About The Crystal Coast (Sept. 25, 2008)

Ten Reasons We Picked Carteret County (Sept. 25, 2008)

Why I Love Living in Carteret County (Sept. 25, 2008)

I Hope It Stays Like This All Year (Nov. 8, 2008)

Does The Crystal Coast Deserve Its Name? (Summer 2013)

A Beach Where You Can Be Yourself (Summer 2013)

A Special Beach To Love (Summer 2013)

What Kind of Beach Do You Expect? (Summer 2013)

It Is All About The Water (January 14, 2009)

A First Coastal Wintery Experience (January 23, 2009)

Just How Early Can You Get On The Water? (February 12, 2009)

February Warmth, A Southern Birthright (February 19, 2009)

A Visit to the Pine Knoll Shores Aquarium (February 22, 2009)

A Visit To Beaufort's Maritime Museum (February 27, 2009)

Lots Of Sand Added To The Beach (Dec. 8, 2008)

Sea Oats of Summer (Late Summer 2013)

A River That Is Surviving (2011)

Heron and Egret Squabble (Jan. 12, 2010)

A Little Heron Noodling (2010)

A Good Sign for the Local Fish (2010)

A Challenging Winter for the Herons and Egrets (2010)